(Grant Agreement No: 2023-1-TR01-KA171-HED-000162509)
Within the scope of Erasmus + KA171 project, a joint project was carried out with the Amadou Mahtar MBOW University in West Africa in the fields of Computer Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Within the scope of the project, Staff Mobility for Academic Staff (Faculty Members) and Student Mobility for Learning will be carried out from Amadou Mahtar MBOW University, Senegal to Karabük University, Turkiye in the academic year of 2023-2024 in line with the following criteria.
- The student and the personel who have been placed to Karabuk University are required to contact International Relations Office (IRO) and specify their semester preference until December 30: yilmazolcay@karabuk.edu.tr ; roger.faye@uam.edu.sn.
- Students who decide to withdraw from the program are also required to contact IRO until December 30. Students who withdraw from the program without a force major reason after the date will lose 10 points in their future Erasmus+ KA171 ICM applications at the same study cycle (academic level).
Staff Mobility for Teaching
Staff Mobility for Teaching is the field of activity, for a staff who are obliged to give lectures in a higher education institution with ECHE in Turkey or for a staff who are obliged to give lectures in a higher education institution in a partner country, that enables it to carry out academic / educational activities jointly with the other institution.
- The assignment of the staff to participate in the project numbered 2023-1-TR01-KA171-HED-000162509 is limited to 5 days, excluding travel. Travel expenses will be calculated with the Mobility Tool distance calculator.
Staff participating in the activity must meet the following minimum requirements:
- S/he must be fluent in English or Turkish (Minimum level: B2) to realize the courses effectively and should keep at least the title of Assoc. Prof. from Computer Engineering and Electrical – Electronics Engineering Departments.
- S/he must complete 8 hours of teaching in 5 days (5 teaching days + 2 travel days = 7 days in total).
Student Mobility for Learning
Student mobility for studies, the centerpiece of Erasmus+ program, enables students at higher education institutions to spend an integrated period of study of 5 months in Karabuk University. KA171 Mobility of Studies Call is open for all students studying ONLY at Computer Engineering and Electrical – Electronics Engineering Departments available at Amadou Mahtar MBOW University.
- Applicants must be registered at Amadou Mahtar MBOW University as full-degree students at the time of application.
- The student must have completed at least 1 semester in the program they are enrolled in. During the application, the student must have a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) in the program they are enrolled in and must be continuing their education on the same level of education in the following year.
- According to program regulations, 50% of CGPA and 50% of the English language test score are taken into account in electing prospective Erasmus students.
- The student must have Karabük University (KBU) course load of minimum 30 ECTS for the semester in which s/he plans to participate Erasmus Programme. Those MS and PhD students who completed their course load and in thesis period can also apply as their thesis satisfies the ECTS requirement and a learning agreement can be arranged over a non-course workload of 30 ECTS in one academic term.
- The student should make sure that 30 ECTS courses must be recognized by their departments upon successfully completion.
Grant and Travel Support will be as they’re specified in KA171 Handbook.
Student participating in the activity must meet the following minimum requirements:
- The applicant has to be a full-time enrolled student (Bachelor, Master, or PhD).
- The CGPA of the application has to be at least:
- For undergraduate students (Bachelor) 2.50/4.00
- For post-graduate students (Master or PhD) 3.00/4.00
- Students have to submit a document that certifies at least B1 level of English or Turkish.
- The total duration of the mobility within the same study cycle (Bachelor, Master, or PhD) cannot exceed 5 months and should be at least 3 months.
West Africa, Amadou Mahtar MBOW University
Total quota is 2 people; 1 for Staff Mobility for Teaching and 1 for Student Mobility for Learning.
Departments available for the Amadou Mahtar MBOW University, West Africa:
Faculty of Engineering: Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering
UAM_Call for Application KA171 Project 181023